Driven delivers real training programs with real results. We not only say this but we back it up through our members results and success stories. We have grown quickly and this is thanks to our members who want to share with others how they've improved their lives. We have produced athletes who compete at the national and international level in Olympic Lifting and Powerlifting. We have also had great success with members who are not interested in competing at this level as well. We realize that each individual has different capabilites and we work with that to create a program which will most certainly see them reach their goals and create new ones.
We subscribe to methodology of elite fitness through constantly varied, high intensity, functional movements. We offer classes in Personal Training, Team Training, Olympic Lifting, Powerlifting, Gymnastics and Driven Kids.
Driven promotes a well rounded individual and creates this opportunity by having qualified, experience staff and a facility with all the essential training tools. We have established an excellent community within the Midland/Penetang area where motivated like minded people may learn and excel beyond what they thought possible.
We are strong believers in leading by example so we practice what we preach. It is our pleasure to teach to others what we so love to do ourselves. We will never jump on the newest "get fit in thirty days" bandwagon. Rather, we teach that healthy living requires a lifetime of commitment and discipline. We make this attainable by making it fun and rewarding. Don't be fooled by gimmicks or programs which claim to make you fitter quickly without you having to put the work in. The bottom line is you must work hard and smart at getting and staying fit.
So whether you are interested in improving your fitness, losing weight, learning a new sport, competing, improving your daily living or wanting to do something fun with friends and family, Driven is the place.
We are accepting eager participants of all levels, young, old, in shape or just starting out. Our job is to get you feeling and doing things you never thought possible. You found our website, now drop in to check us out or give us a call!